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I N   A M E R I C A ' S   F I N A N C I A L   S Y S T E M 


The primary goal of the VBC (Veterans Business Coalition) will be to positively interact with and positively exert influence over various elements of the economic system using any reasonable and necessary methodologies to generate meaningful benefits for our nations veterans. This influence will be exerted in such a way to generate financial support for companies and communities that the VBC management has identified as having some sort of recognizable positive economic impact towards veterans.

These companies or communities can be the following but not limited to those that are organizations headed by veterans, companies and communities that make it a top priority to hire and train veterans, contract with veteran owned entities, and heavily donate to veteran causes.

US Army Soldier in Universal Camouflage
the vbc OATH!
ASSESSMENT & certification

The Veteran's Business Coalition ensures that financial professionals and institutions are operating in full compliance to the spirit of the Jobs Act and the obligations required by Regulation B.I. In doing so, we work closely with members of the New Business Ecosystem to develop practical policies which ultimately ensures the efficient flow of capital required to drive economic benefits vitally needed by our nation's veterans and their affiliates.  Our reach of Veterans throughout the various branches of government, financial institutions, International Organizations, and NGO's position us to effect positive changes throughout the financial Industry, for the benefit of Veterans, Disadvantaged, & Native Businesses along with their affiliates.


Veteran's defend public and private persons in this country from all threats. We serve and protect the entire country and we live in your communities. When not on active duty, we are a unique group of Entrepreneurs trained in many complementary disciplines which make up a team forward thinking  visionaries. These visionaries  work tirelessly to create a business environment that fosters  the starting, developing, and funding of veteran supported enterprises.  The VBC utilizes its global connections to promote conditions that make   operating  successful businesses much more of a reality. Our business development and ecosystem initiatives are designed to create a setting whereby  Veterans and their affiliates can more easily start, fund, and grow

their businesses.

Business Meeting


Contact Us

797 NW 111th Street

Miami Florida 33167

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© 2024 by Veterans Business Coalition, Inc.



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